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Publications in Chronological Order (latest at the bottom)

Lary, D. J., G. Carver, J. A. Pyle, G. M. Keating, F. Herrero, S. Chakrabarti and L. Gray (1990). A 3-Dimensional Model Study of Chemistry in the Lower Stratosphere. Middle and upper atmosphere results; Proceedings of the Topical Meeting of the Interdisciplinary Scientific Commission C /Meetings C2 and C3/ of the COSPAR 28th Plenary Meeting, The Hague, Netherlands.

Lary, D. J. (1991). Photochemical Studies with a Three-Dimensional Model of the Atmosphere. Department of Chemistry. Cambridge, England, University of Cambridge. PhD.

Lary, D. J. and J. A. Pyle (1991a). “Diffuse-Radiation, Twilight, and Photochemistry .1.Journal of Atmospheric Chemistry 13(4): 373-392.

Lary, D. J. and J. A. Pyle (1991b). “Diffuse-Radiation, Twilight, and Photochemistry .2.” Journal of Atmospheric Chemistry 13(4): 393-406.

Lary, D. J., J. A. Pyle, C. R. Webster and R. D. May (1991). “The Bliss Measurements of NO2 – Some New Insights.Geophysical Research Letters 18(12): 2261-2263.

Lary, D., G. Carver and J. A. Pyle (1992). A 3-Dimensional Model Study of Chemistry in the Lower Stratosphere. Middle and Upper Atmosphere Results. G. M. Keating, F. A. Herrero, S. Chakrabarti and L. J. Gray. 13: 331-337.

Pyle, J. A., G. Carver, J. L. Grenfell, J. A. Kettleborough and D. J. Lary (1992). “Ozone Loss in Antarctica – the Implications for Global Change.” Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London Series B-Biological Sciences 338(1285): 219-226.

Chipperfield, M. P., D. Cariolle, P. Simon, R. Ramaroson and D. J. Lary (1993). “A 3-Dimensional Modeling Study of Trace Species in the Arctic Lower Stratosphere During Winter 1989-1990.” Journal of Geophysical Research-Atmospheres 98(D4): 7199-7218.

Lary, D., G. Carver and J. A. Pyle (1993). “A 3-Dimensional Model Study of Chemistry in the Lower Stratosphere.” Advances in Space Research 13(1): 331-337.

Lary, D. J. and M. Balluch (1993). “Solar Heating Rates – the Importance of Spherical Geometry.” Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences 50(24): 3983-3993.

Kettleborough, J. A., G. D. Carver, D. J. Lary, J. A. Pyle and P. A. Scott (1994). “3-Dimensional Modeling of Chlorine Activation in the Arctic Stratosphere.” Geophysical Research Letters 21(13): 1471-1474.

Lary, D. J., M. Balluch and S. Bekki (1994). “Solar Heating Rates after a Volcanic-Eruption – the Importance of So2 Absorption.” Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society 120(520): 1683-1688.

Lary, D. J., J. A. Pyle and G. Carver (1994). “A 3-Dimensional Model Study of Nitrogen-Oxides in the Stratosphere.” Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society 120(516): 453-482.

Lutman, E. R., J. A. Pyle, R. L. Jones, D. J. Lary, A. R. Mackenzie, I. Kilbanedawe, N. Larsen and B. Knudsen (1994). “Trajectory Model Studies of ClOx Activation During the 1991/92 Northern Hemispheric Winter.” Geophysical Research Letters 21(13): 1419-1422.

Lutman, E. R., R. Toumi, R. L. Jones, D. J. Lary and J. A. Pyle (1994). “Box Model Studies of ClOx Deactivation and Ozone Loss During the 1991/92 Northern-Hemisphere Winter.” Geophysical Research Letters 21(13): 1415-1418.

Muller, R., T. Peter, P. J. Crutzen, H. Oelhaf, G. P. Adrian, T. Vonclarmann, A. Wegner, U. Schmidt and D. Lary (1994). “Chlorine Chemistry and the Potential for Ozone Depletion in the Arctic Stratosphere in the Winter of 1991/92.Geophysical Research Letters 21(13): 1427-1430.

Balluch, M. and D. J. Lary (1995). “Solar Heating Rates – the Importance of Spherical Geometry – Comment – Reply.Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences 52(3): 383-386.

Fisher, M. and D. J. Lary (1995). “Lagrangian 4-Dimensional Variational Data Assimilation of Chemical-Species.” Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society 121(527): 1681-1704.

Ghosh, S., D. Lary and J. A. Pyle (1995). “Estimation of Heterogeneous Reaction-Rates for Stratospheric Trace Gases with Particular Reference to the Diffusional Uptake of Hcl and Clono2 by Polar Stratospheric Clouds.Annales Geophysicae-Atmospheres Hydrospheres and Space Sciences 13(4): 406-412.

Lary, D. J., M. P. Chipperfield, J. A. Pyle, W. A. Norton and L. P. Riishojgaard (1995). “3-Dimensional Tracer Initialization and General Diagnostics Using Equivalent PV Latitude-Potential-Temperature Coordinates.” Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society 121(521): 187-210.

Lary, D. J., M. P. Chipperfield and R. Toumi (1995). “The Potential Impact of the Reaction OH+ClO->HCl+O2 on Polar Ozone Photochemistry.” Journal of Atmospheric Chemistry 21(1): 61-79.

Kondo, Y., S. R. Kawa, D. Lary, T. Sugita, A. R. Douglass, E. Lutman, M. Koike and T. Deshler (1996). “Interpretation of Nitric Oxide Profile Observed in January 1942 over Kiruna.” Journal of Geophysical Research-Atmospheres 101(D7): 12555-12566.

Lary, D. J. (1996). “Gas Phase Atmospheric Bromine Photochemistry.” Journal of Geophysical Research-Atmospheres 101(D1): 1505-1516.

Lary, D. J., M. P. Chipperfield, R. Toumi and T. Lenton (1996). “Heterogeneous Atmospheric Bromine Chemistry.” Journal of Geophysical Research-Atmospheres 101(D1): 1489-1504.

Rattigan, O. V., D. J. Lary, R. L. Jones and R. A. Cox (1996). “UV-Visible Absorption Cross Sections of Gaseous Br2O and HOBr.” Journal of Geophysical Research-Atmospheres 101(D17): 23021-23033.

Balluch, M. and D. J. Lary (1997). “Refraction and Atmospheric Photochemistry.” Journal of Geophysical Research-Atmospheres 102(D7): 8845-8854.

Burton, M., E. Fergusson, A. Hart, K. Knight, D. Lary and C. Liu (1997). “The Prevalence of Cataract in Two Villages of Northern Pakistan with Different Levels of Ultraviolet Radiation.” Eye (Lond) 11 ( Pt 1): 95-101.

Chipperfield, M. P., D. E. Shallcross and D. J. Lary (1997). “A Model Study of the Potential Role of the Reaction BrO+OH in the Production of Stratospheric HBr.” Geophysical Research Letters 24(23): 3025-3028.

Lary, D. J. (1997). “Catalytic Destruction of Stratospheric Ozone.” Journal of Geophysical Research-Atmospheres 102(D17): 21515-21526.

Lary, D. J., A. M. Lee, R. Toumi, M. J. Newchurch, M. Pirre and J. B. Renard (1997). “Carbon Aerosols and Atmospheric Photochemistry.” Journal of Geophysical Research-Atmospheres 102(D3): 3671-3682.

Lary, D. J. and R. Toumi (1997). “Halogen-Catalyzed Methane Oxidation.” Journal of Geophysical Research-Atmospheres 102(D19): 23421-23428.

Lutman, E. R., J. A. Pyle, M. P. Chipperfield, D. J. Lary, I. Kilbanedawe, J. W. Waters and N. Larsen (1997). “Three-Dimensional Studies of the 1991/1992 Northern Hemisphere Winter Using Domain-Filling Trajectories with Chemistry.” Journal of Geophysical Research-Atmospheres 102(D1): 1479-1488.

Kurylo, M. J., J. M. Rodriguez, M. O. Andreae, E. L. Atlas, D. R. Blake, J. H. Butler, S. Lal and D. J. Lary (1998). “Short-Lived Ozone-Related Compounds.” Scientific Assessment of Ozone Depletion.

Allen, D. R., J. L. Stanford, M. A. Lopez-Valverde, N. Nakamura, D. J. Lary, A. R. Douglass, M. C. Cerniglia, J. J. Remedios and F. W. Taylor (1999). “Observations of Middle Atmosphere CO from the UARS ISAMS During the Early Northern Winter 1991/92.” Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences 56(4): 563-583.

Lary, D. J. (1999). “Data Assimilation: A Powerful Tool for Atmospheric Chemistry.” Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London Series a-Mathematical Physical and Engineering Sciences 357(1763): 3445-3457.

Lary, D. J., D. E. Shallcross and R. Toumi (1999). “Carbonaceous Aerosols and Their Potential Role in Atmospheric Chemistry.” Journal of Geophysical Research-Atmospheres 104(D13): 15929-15940.

Lary, D. J. and D. E. Shallcross (2000a). “Central Role of Carbonyl Compounds in Atmospheric Chemistry.” Journal of Geophysical Research-Atmospheres 105(D15): 19771-19778.

Lary, D. J. and D. E. Shallcross (2000b). “Potential Importance of the Reaction CO+HNO3.” Journal of Geophysical Research-Atmospheres 105(D9): 11617-11623.

Wang, K. Y., D. J. Lary and S. M. Hall (2000). “Improvement of a 3D CTM and a 4D Variational Data Assimilation on a Vector Machine Cray J90 through a Multitasking Strategy.” Computer Physics Communications 125(1-3): 142-153.

Wang, K. Y., D. J. Lary, D. E. Shallcross, S. M. Hall and J. A. Pyle (2001). “A Review on the Use of the Adjoint Method in Four-Dimensional Atmospheric-Chemistry Data Assimilation.” Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society 127(576): 2181-2204.

Chipperfield, M. P., B. V. Khattatov and D. J. Lary (2002). “Sequential Assimilation of Stratospheric Chemical Observations in a Three-Dimensional Model.” Journal of Geophysical Research-Atmospheres 107(D21).

Lary, D. J. (2003). Chemical Data Assimilation & Optimized Earth Observation. EGS – AGU – EUG Joint Assembly, Nice, France, EGS.

Lary, D. J., B. Khattatov and H. Y. Mussa (2003). “Chemical Data Assimilation: A Case Study of Solar Occultation Data from the Atlas 1 Mission of the Atmospheric Trace Molecule Spectroscopy Experiment (ATMOS).” Journal of Geophysical Research-Atmospheres 108(D15).

Lary, D. J. (2004a). “Atmospheric Pseudohalogen Chemistry.Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics Discussions 4: 5381-5405.

Lary, D. J. (2004b). “Representativeness Uncertainty in Chemical Data Assimilation Highlight Mixing Barriers.” Atmospheric Science Letters 5(1-4), 35-41. doi:10.1016/j.atmoscilet.2003.11.002.

Lary, D. J., M. D. Muller and H. Y. Mussa (2004). “Using Neural Networks to Describe Tracer Correlations.” Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 4: 143-146.

Loughner, C. P., D. J. Lary and W. R. Stockwell (2004). Ideal Spatial Resolution of Satellite Observed Ozone in the Lower Troposphere< /span>. Eos Trans. AGU,.

Lahoz, W. A., R. Brugge, D. R. Jackson, S. Migliorini, R. Swinbank, D. Lary and A. Lee (2005). “An Observing System Simulation Experiment to Evaluate the Scientific Merit of Wind and Ozone Measurements from the Future Swift Instrument.” Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society 131(606): 503-523.

Lary, D. J. (2005). “Halogens and the Chemistry of the Free Troposphere.” Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 5: 227-237.

Noelle, A., G. K. Hartmann, D. J. Lary, W.-U. Palm, A.-C. Vandaele, R. P. Wayne and C. Y. R. Wu (2005). UV/Vis Spectra Data Base, science-softCon.

Rilee, M. L., S. A. Curtis, J. E. Dorband, C. Y. Cheung, D. J. Lary and H. Y. Mussa (2005). Thriving in the Irregular and the Unknown: System Control for Space Exploration. 1st Space Exploration Conference: Continuing the Voyage of Discovery, Orlando, Florida, American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics.

Brown, M. E., D. J. Lary and H. Y. Mussa (2006). Using Neural Nets to Derive Sensor-Independent Climate Quality Vegetation Data Based on AVHRR, Spot-Vegetation, Seawifs and MODIS. Eos Trans. AGU.

Douglass, A. R., R. S. Stolarski, C. H. Jackman, D. J. Lary, E. Fleming and M. L. Gupta (2006). Interrelationship of Stratospheric Age of Air, Age Spectrum and Constituent Lifetimes. Eos Trans. AGU.

Lary, D. J. (2006). Using Probability Distribution Functions for Satellite Validation. Eos Trans. AGU.

Lary, D. J. and L. Lait (2006). “Using Probability Distribution Functions for Satellite Validation.Ieee Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing 44(5): 1359-1366.

Lary, D. J., G. G. Leptoukh, L. Yurganov, A. Dzhola, E. Fokeeva, E. Grechko, F. Kashin, L. W. Horowitz, A. M. Fiore and E. J. Dlugokencky (2006). Determining Length Scales of Spatial Variability. Eos Trans. AGU.

Mussa, H. Y., D. J. Lary and R. C. Glen (2006). Building Structure-Property Predictive Models Using Data Assimilation. Computational Life Sciences Ii, Proceedings. M. R. Berthold, R. Glen and I. Fischer. 4216: 64-73.

Sparling, L. C., A. Swerdlow and D. J. Lary (2006). A New Asymptotic Method for Non-Coincident Satellite Data Validation. Eos Trans. AGU.

Yanagi, S. M., M. H. Costa, T. Schmugge, K. Ogawa, J. A. Hicke, D. S. Ojima, C. J. Tucker, S. W. Running, M. E. Brown and D. J. Lary (2006). A Comparison of Remotely Sensed Land Surface Albedo Products for the Amazon Tropical Rainforest. Eos Trans. AGU,.

Lary, D. J. (2007a). An Objectively Optimized Earth Observing System. 2007 IEEE Aerospace Conference, Vols 1-9, IEEE.

Lary, D. J. (2007b). The First Multi-Constituent Kalman Filter Analysis of Atmospheric Chemistry from 1991-2007. 14th Conference on Middle Atmosphere, Portland, OR, AMS.

Lary, D. J. (2007c). Using Neural Networks for Instrument Cross-Calibration. Eos Trans. AGU.

Lary, D. J. (2007d). Autonomous Objectively Optimized Observing Systems. Igarss: 2007 IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium, Vols 1-12 – Sensing and Understanding Our Planet: 1374-1376.

Lary, D. J. and A. Koratkar (2007). Data Assimilation and Objectively Optimized Earth Observation. Advances in Science: Earth Science, Imperial College Press: 293-310.

Lary, D. J., D. W. Waugh, A. R. Douglass, R. S. Stolarski, P. A. Newman and H. Mussa (2007). “Variations in Stratospheric Inorganic Chlorine between 1991 and 2006.” Geophysical Research Letters 34(21).

Loughner, C. P., D. J. Lary, L. C. Sparling, R. C. Cohen, P. Decola and W. R. Stockwell (2007). “A Method to Determine the Spatial Resolution Required to Observe Air Quality from Space.” Ieee Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing 45(5): 1308-1314.

Noelle, A., G. K. Hartmann, D. J. Lary, S. {Le Calvé}, S. Trick, W.-U. Palm, A.-C. Vandaele, R. P. Wayne and C. Y. R. Wu (2007). UV/Vis Spectra Data Base, science-softCon.

Bae, H., S. H. Kim, M. S. Kim, R. C. Sicher, D. Lary, M. D. Strem, S. Natarajan and B. A. Bailey (2008). “The Drought Response of Theobroma Cacao (Cacao) and the Regulation of Genes Involved in Polyamine Biosynthesis by Drought and Other Stresses.Plant Physiology and Biochemistry 46(2): 174-188.

Brown, M. E., D. J. Lary, A. Vrieling, D. Stathakis and H. Mussa (2008). “Neural Networks as a Tool for Constructing Continuous NDVI Time Series from AVHRR and MODIS.” International Journal of Remote Sensing 29(24): 7141-7158.

Lary, D. J. (2008). Objectively Optimized Earth Observing Systems. Intelligent Aerial Vehicles. IN-TECH: 320.

Lary, D. J. and O. Aulov (2008). “Space-Based Measurements of HCl: Intercomparison and Historical Context.Journal of Geophysical Research-Atmospheres 113(D15).

Noelle, A., G. K. Hartmann, A. Fahr, D. J. Lary, S. {Le Calvé}, J. J. Orlando, A.-C. Vandaele, R. P. Wayne and C. Y. R. Wu (2008). UV/Vis Spectra Data Base, science-softCon.

Schoeberl, M. R., A. R. Douglass, P. A. Newman, L. R. Lait, D. Lary, J. Waters, N. Livesey, L. Froidevaux, A. Lambert, W. Read, M. J. Filipiak and H. C. Pumphrey (2008). “QBO and Annual Cycle Variations in Tropical Lower Stratosphere Trace Gases from HALOE and Aura MLS Observations.” Journal of Geophysical Research-Atmospheres 113(D5).

Lary, D. J., L. A. Remer, D. Macneill, B. Roscoe and S. Paradise (2009). “Machine Learning and Bias Correction of MODIS Aerosol Optical Depth.” IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters 6(4): 694-698. IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Society Letters Prize Paper Award

Leptoukh, G. G., C. Lynnes, P. A. Fox, A. I. Prados, S. Shen, S. Zednik, P. West and D. J. Lary (2009). Multi-Sensor Data Synergy Advisor. Eos Trans. AGU.

Cooke, M. C., S. R. Utembe, P. G. Carbajo, A. T. Archibald, A. J. Orr-Ewing, M. E. Jenkin, R. G. Derwent, D. J. Lary and D. E. Shallcross (2010). “Impacts of Formaldehyde Photolysis Rates on Tropospheric Chemistry.” Atmospheric Science Letters 11: 33-38.

Lary, D. J. (2010a). Artificial Intelligence in Geoscience and Remote Sensing. Geoscience and Remote Sensing, New Achievements. P. Imperatore and D. Riccio. Vukovar, Croatia, In-Tech: 105-128.

Lary, D. J. (2010b). Artificial Intelligence in Aerospace. Aerospace Technologies Advancements. T. T. Arif. Vukovar, Croatia, IN-TECH: 1-24.

Lary, D. J., A. Nikitkov and D. N. Stone (2010). Which Machine-Learning Models Best Predict Online Auction Seller Deception Risk? 2010 American Accounting Association (AAA) Strategic and Emerging Technologies.

Albayrak, A., J. C. Wei, M. Petrenko, D. J. Lary and G. G. Leptoukh (2011). MODIS Aerosol Optical Depth Bias Adjustment Using Machine Learning Algorithms. Fall American Geophysical Union Meeting. San Francisco, CA, American Geophysical Union: A53C-0371.

Aulov, O., M. Halem and D. J. Lary (2011). Assimilation of Real-Time Satellite and Human Sensor Networks for Modeling Natural Disasters. Fall American Geophysical Union Meeting. San Francisco, CA, American Geophysical Union: IN11B-1280.

Hairston, M. R., R. Stoneback, D. J. Lary and W. R. Coley (2011). Cross-Correlation of Ionospheric Parameters Using Machine-Learning Analysis of Data from Multiple Dmsp Spacecraft. Fall American Geophysical Union Meeting. San Francisco, CA, American Geophysical Union: SA32B-04.

Lary, D. J. and A. Walker (2011). High Resolution Identification of Dust Sources Using Machine Learning and Remote Sensing Data. Fall American Geophysical Union Meeting. San Francisco, CA, American Geophysical Union: A42A-08.

Khan, A., D. Schaefer, L. Tao, D. J. Miller, K. Sun, M. A. Zondlo, W. A. Harrison, B. Roscoe and D. J. Lary (2012). “Low Power Greenhouse Gas Sensors for Unmanned Aerial vehicles.” Remote Sensing 4(5): 1355-1368.

Griffin, D.W., Naumova, E.N., McEntee, J.C., Castronovo, D., Durant, J.L., Lyles, M.L., Faruque, F., Lary, D.J., Environmental Tracking for Public Health Surveillance, ISBN 9780415584715 – CAT# K11817 edited by Stanley Morain and Amelia Budge, 01/2012: chapter Chapter 4: pages 129-185; CRC Press Taylor & Francis., ISBN: 978041558471

Stoneback, R. A., Malakar, N. K., Lary, D. J., et al. (2013). Specifying the equatorial ionosphere using CINDI on C/NOFS, COSMIC, and data interpolating empirical orthogonal functions, Journal of Geophysical Research-Space Physics, 118 (10): 6,706-6,722.

Noelle, A., G. K. Hartmann, A. Fahr, D. J. Lary, Y.-P. Lee, P. Limao-Vieira, F.J. Martin-Torres, J.J. Orlando, F. Salama, A.-C. Vandaele, R.P. Wayne, C.Y.R. Wu and G.G.B. de Souza (2013), 9th Edition UV/Vis Spectra Data Base, science-softCon, ISBN 978-3-00-041177-9.

Ramirez, J.P., Lary, D.J., Gans, N., “Terrestrial Hyperspectral Imaging by Integrating Visible Light Mosaics and a Line-Scan Camera”, AIAA Infotech@Aerospace Conference, 2013. Boston, MA

Lary, D.J., Woolf, S., Faruque, F., and LePage, J. (2014), Holistics 3.0 for Health, ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information, (3), 1023-1038; doi:10.3390/ijgi3031023.

Lary, D.J., Faruque, F., Malakar, N., Moore, A., Roscoe, B., Adams, Z. and Y. Eggelston (2014), Estimating the Global Abundance of Ground Level Particulate Matter (PM2.5) Since 1997, Geospatial Health3, S611-S630, doi:10.3390.

Aurin, D., Mannino, A., and Lary, D. (2014), Remote Sensing of CDOM, CDOM Spectral Slope, and Dissolved Organic Carbon in the Global Ocean, Remote Sensing of Environment, submitted.

Harrison, W.A., Lary, D.J., Nathan, B. and Moore, A.G. (2015),  The Neighborhood Scale Variability of Airborne Particulates, Journal of Environmental Protection, 6(5), DOI: 10.4236/jep.2015.65045.

Lary, D.J., Lary, T., Sattler, B. (2015), Using Machine Learning to Estimate Global PM2.5 for Environmental Health Studies, Environmental Health Insights, Suppl. 1 41-52
doi: 10.4137/EHI.S15664.

Nathan, B.J., Golston, L.M., O’Brien, A.S., Ross, K., Harrison, W.A., Tao, L., Lary, D.J., Johnson, D.R., Covington, A.N., Clark, N.N., Zondlo, M.A. (2015),  Near-Field Characterization of Methane Emission Variability from a Compressor Station Using a Model Aircraft, Environmental Science & Technology Article ASAP, DOI: 10.1021/acs.est.5b00705.

Ramirez, J.P., Lary, D.J., Gans, N. (2015), “Low-Altitude Terrestrial Spectroscopy from a Pushbroom Sensor”, Journal of Field Robotics, 1–16 (2015), DOI: 10.1002/rob.21624

Harrison, W.A., Lary, D.J., Nathan, B., Moore, A.G. (2015), “Using Remote Control Aerial Vehicles to Study Variability of Airborne Particulates“, Air, Soil and Water Research 2015:8 43-51, Published on 01 Sep 2015, DOI: 10.4137/ASWR.S30774

Lary, David J., Alavi, Amir H., Gandomic, Amir H., Walker, Annette L., Machine learning in geosciences and remote sensing, Geoscience Frontiers, Published online 12 August 2015, doi:10.1016/j.gsf.2015.07.003

Lary DJ, Lary T, Sattler B (2016) Using Machine Learning to Estimate Global PM2.5 for Environmental Health Studies. Geoinfor Geostat: An Overview 4:4. doi:10.4172/2327-4581.1000149

Ivan R. Medvedev, Robert Schueler, Jessica Thomas, Kenneth O, Hyun-Joo Nam, Navneet Sharma, Qian Zhong, David Lary, Philip Raskin (2016), Analysis of Exhaled Human Breath via Terahertz Molecular Spectroscopy, IRMMW-THZ 2016, 41st International Conference on Infrared, IEEE, Millimeter and Terahertz Waves, 25-30 September 2016, Bella Center, Copenhagen, Denmark.

MA Kneen, DJ Lary, WA Harrison, HJ Annegarn, TH Brikowski (2016), Interpretation of satellite retrievals of PM 2.5 over the Southern African Interior, Atmospheric Environment 128, 53-64.

Alavi, A.H., Gandomi, A.H. Lary, D.J. (2016), Progress of machine learning in geosciences: Preface, Geoscience Frontiers 7 (1), 1-2

Lary, D.J., Alavi, A.H., Gandomi, A.H., Walker, A.L. (2016), Machine learning in geosciences and remote sensing, Geoscience Frontiers 7 (1), 3-10

Alavi, Amir H., Gandomi, Amir H., Lary, David J., Progress of machine learning in geosciences: Preface, 地学前缘 (英文版), 2016 年 01, 1-2, 2016, 中国地质大学 (北京)| 北京大学

Hemmings, Matt, Krahn, Robert, Lary, David, McGeer, Rick, Ricart, Glenn, Röder, Marko, The Ignite Distributed Collaborative Scientific Visualization System, The GENI Book, 451-477, 2016, Springer International Publishing

O, Kenneth, Ahmad, Z., Choi, W., Sharma, N., Zhang, J., Zhong, Q., Kim, D.-Y., Chen, Z., Zhang, Y., Han, R., Devices and Circuits in CMOS for THz Applications, 2016 IEEE International Electron Devices Meeting (IEDM), Session Number: 29.8, ID #: 1184204, 2016, IEEE

Lary, David J., Lary, Tatiana, Sattler, B., Using Machine Learning to Estimate Global PM2.5 for Environmental Health Studies., Geoinformatics & Geostatistics: An Overview, 4, 4, doi: 10.4172/2327-4581.1000149, 2016, SciTechnol

Ali, SS, J Shao, David J. Lary, B Kronmiller, D Shen, MD Strem, I Amoako-Attah, AY Akrofi, BA Begoude, and GM Ten Hoopen. 2017. ‘Phytophthora megakarya and P. palmivora, closely related causal agents of cacao black pod rot, underwent increases in genome sizes and gene numbers by different mechanisms’, Genome biology and evolution.

Ali, Shahin S, Jonathan Shao, David J Lary, Mary D Strem, Lyndel W Meinhardt, and Bryan Bailey. 2017. ‘Phytophthora megakarya and P. palmivora, causal agents of black pod rot, induce similar plant defense responses late during infection of susceptible cacao pods’, Frontiers in Plant Science, 8: 169.

Noelle, A., G.K. Hartmann, A. Fahr, D.J. Lary, Y.-P. Lee, P. Limao-Vieira, R. Locht, F.J. Martin-Torres, K. McNeill, and J.J. Orlando. 2017. “The 11th Edition “UV/Vis+ Spectra Data Base” CD.”

Using machine learning to estimate atmospheric Ambrosia pollen concentrations in Tulsa, OK,  Xun Liu, Daji Wu, Gebreab K Zewdie, Lakitha Wijerante, Christopher I Timms, Alexander Riley, Estelle Levetin, and David J Lary, Environmental Health Insights, Volume 11: 1–10, 2017, DOI: 10.1177/1178630217699399

Insights Into the Morphology of the East Asia PM2.5 Annual Cycle Provided by Machine Learning, Daji Wu, Gebreab K Zewdie, Xun Liu, Melanie Anne Kneen and David John Lary, Environmental Health Insights, Volume 11: 1–7, 2017, DOI: 10.1177/1178630217699611

Lary D.J. et al. (2018) Machine Learning Applications for Earth Observation. In: Mathieu PP., Aubrecht C. (eds) Earth Observation Open Science and Innovation. ISSI Scientific Report Series, vol 15. Springer, Cham, DOI ISBN978-3-319-65632-8, Online ISBN978-3-319-65633-5.

FO Foote, H Benson, A Berger, B Berman, J DeLeo, P Deuster, DJ Lary, (2018), Advanced Metrics for Assessing Holistic Care: The Epidaurus 2 Project, Global Advances in Health and Medicine, 7, 1-19, DOI: 10.1177/2164957X18755981

Shawhin Talebi, David J Lary, Lakitha OH Wijerante, Tatiana Lary, (2019), Modeling Autonomic Pupillary Responses from External Stimuli using Machine Learning, Biomedical Journal of Scientific & Technical Research, 20, 3, 14,999-15,009