Holistics for Health 2013
August 24-29, 2013, Hilton Crystal City Hotel, Arlington, VA, USA
Human health is part of an interdependent multifaceted system. More than ever we have increasingly large amounts of data on the body, its systems and our environment. An exciting new era is dawning where we are using this valuable data together (multi-variately) with computational techniques such as machine learning to provide insights for scientific discovery, decision support, and policy formulation.
Holistics for Health is a session on Wednesday August 28, 2013, designed to both show case new advances and provide a networking opportunity for those who would like to leverage the computational BigData revolution for insight generation, decision making or policy formulation.
The areas covered include:
- Big Data & Machine Learning
- Massive Datasets for Public Health
- Multiple Environmental Datasets for Health
- Health Condition Classification
It is part of the 2nd Symposium on Advances in Geospatial Technologies for Health organized by The International Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing (ISPRS) Working Group on Health of Commission VIII (ISPRS WG VIII/2) in collaboration with the 5th International Conference on Medical Geology (MEDGEO 2013) scheduled for August 24-30, 2013 in Arlington, Virginia, USA.
Conference registration is available here.